Cornmill Associates provides a professional service which helps growth businesses decide on whether Invoice Discounting is truly the right way of funding their expansion, then undertakes a review of the market and helps them compare deals from different types of lenders. This service is primarily available through selected local accountancy firms who value the independence of this and will work professionally with suitable clients who would benefit from this service.
Typically the beneficiaries of this are businesses that are being encouraged by their banks to switch to Invoice Discounting from Overdraft (where it might benefit them long term but also brings benefits for the bank) and those that already use Invoice Discounting but want to review whether they have the best deal for their particular business.
Nunn Hayward (, KRW Accountancy ( and CroucherFitzpatrick ( are the firms that have recently engaged with us to understand how this would benefit their clients and how to access the service. They join the list of local accountants working with us in an area of funding which is becoming increasingly promoted by the High St banks.